Principal Investigator
Body Locations and Systems
Disorders and Conditions
Start/End Dates
UBC Hospital
Maya Lichtenstein, Clinical Fellow
Email Address
Purpose of Study
To look at the differences in "social cognition"- the ability to look at the interpret the social world and put yourself in someone else's shoes - between people with depression, people with frontotemporal dementia and healthy controls.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Are between 40-75 years old
- Have been diagnosed with behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia
- Have been diagnosed with depression
- Are healthy
- Have adequate vision and hearing and English language skills to undergo testing, have someone close to you that is willing to answer some quesions about you
- Do not have a disease that may interfer with your thinking (outside of frontotemporal dementia or depression)
- Do not have an alcohol or substance abuse problenm currently or in the last 6 months
Study Coordinators and Research Nurses cannot give medical advice over the phone. Telephone numbers and email addresses are provided for obtaining additional information on specific clinical research trials only. If you have specific questions which require clinical expertise, please call your primary care physician.