Disorders and Conditions
Start/End Dates
Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
Jane Kim, Research Scientist
Email Address
Purpose of Study
This study aims to explore the perspectives of patients with opioid dependence and health care providers (HCPs) who are involved in the care of individuals with opioid use disorder on how they would feel regarding a contingency management (CM) smartphone game for opioid agonist therapy (OAT). The study team will be obtaining information through focus groups with patients and semi-structured interviews with HCPs.
This study will involve in-person or online/virtual focus groups and online/virtual interviews. Both will start with a demonstration of mock-up wireframes of the initial app design. Participants will be asked to verbally appraise the app and discuss preferences and suggestions for future development. Questions will explore experiences with OAT and how smartphone applications may impact their compliance.
For focus groups, participants must: be on opioid agonist treatment (OAT) for opioid dependence (methadone, buprenorphine/naloxone, slow-release oral morphine); be able to understand the consent process; be fluent in English; and use a smartphone that can support applications.
For interviews, HCPs must: have experience providing or supporting OAT for individuals with opioid dependence; be able to understand the consent process; be fluent in English; and use or used a smartphone that can support applications.
Study Coordinators and Research Nurses cannot give medical advice over the phone. Telephone numbers and email addresses are provided for obtaining additional information on specific research studies only. If you have specific questions which require clinical expertise, please call your primary care physician.
This study aims to explore the perspectives of patients with opioid dependence and health care providers (HCPs) who are involved in the care of individuals with opioid use disorder on how they would feel regarding a contingency management (CM) smartphone game for opioid agonist therapy (OAT). The study team will be obtaining information through focus groups with patients and semi-structured interviews with HCPs.
This study will involve in-person or online/virtual focus groups and online/virtual interviews. Both will start with a demonstration of mock-up wireframes of the initial app design. Participants will be asked to verbally appraise the app and discuss preferences and suggestions for future development. Questions will explore experiences with OAT and how smartphone applications may impact their compliance.
For focus groups, participants must: be on opioid agonist treatment (OAT) for opioid dependence (methadone, buprenorphine/naloxone, slow-release oral morphine); be able to understand the consent process; be fluent in English; and use a smartphone that can support applications.
For interviews, HCPs must: have experience providing or supporting OAT for individuals with opioid dependence; be able to understand the consent process; be fluent in English; and use or used a smartphone that can support applications.
Study Coordinators and Research Nurses cannot give medical advice over the phone. Telephone numbers and email addresses are provided for obtaining additional information on specific research studies only. If you have specific questions which require clinical expertise, please call your primary care physician.