Start/End Dates
UBC Hospital
Tahlee Marian, Clinical Research Coordinator
Email Address
Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study is to collect brain scans, blood samples, memory test scores and cerebrospinal fluid from people with Alzheimer's disease (AD), mild cognitive impairment or no memory impairment. The information collected in the study may help characterize the early stages of AD, and shape the criteria for earlier diagnosis and treatment of AD. It will also be used to discover, standardize and validate measures and biomarkers that are used in AD research. The ADNI4 study is a continuation of the ADNI3 study and will also open to enroll new participants.
Visit ClinicalTrials.gov for more information.
Study Coordinators and Research Nurses cannot give medical advice over the phone. Telephone numbers and email addresses are provided for obtaining additional information on specific research studies only. If you have specific questions which require clinical expertise, please call your primary care physician.
The purpose of this study is to collect brain scans, blood samples, memory test scores and cerebrospinal fluid from people with Alzheimer's disease (AD), mild cognitive impairment or no memory impairment. The information collected in the study may help characterize the early stages of AD, and shape the criteria for earlier diagnosis and treatment of AD. It will also be used to discover, standardize and validate measures and biomarkers that are used in AD research. The ADNI4 study is a continuation of the ADNI3 study and will also open to enroll new participants.
Visit ClinicalTrials.gov for more information.
Study Coordinators and Research Nurses cannot give medical advice over the phone. Telephone numbers and email addresses are provided for obtaining additional information on specific research studies only. If you have specific questions which require clinical expertise, please call your primary care physician.