Dr. Iraj Poureslami is a senior health evaluation research scientist at the Centre for Lung Health and a research associate at the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Evaluation. He is a World Health Organization (WHO) mentor of health promotion, a member of the WHO Early Childhood Development Knowledge Network and a member of the Canadian National Health Literacy Expert Panel. His main research goal is to address socio-cultural and environmental determinants of health and inequity in Canada. Dr. Poureslami has conducted various health promotion and health literacy intervention projects, applying behavioural modification strategies and stage of change models. He has extensive knowledge and expertise in developing conceptual framework for community-based, patient-oriented, and knowledge-to-action research.
News and Awards

- International journal of environmental research and public health -
- BMC public health -
- Addiction science & clinical practice -
- International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -
- Patient education and counseling -