Dr. Rosin’s work focuses on the development of new strategies for oral cancer prevention and control. As Director of the BC OCPP, she has worked to develop and support partnerships and networks of health professionals, including the establishment of a screening network and referral pathway with for dental health professionals in BC. She is PI on the Oral Cancer Prediction Longitudinal Study which is following ~900 patients over time to develop and validate indicators of risk of progression for oral premalignant lesions. This work has led to the establishment of the first molecular markers of progression for oral dysplasia (publication due in September 2012 issue of Cancer Prevention Research). Current research thrusts include the development of a new clinical risk model that integrates novel molecular and visualization markers for risk assessment and management of oral premalignant disease and cancers. The launch of the HPV-THINC study early this year will focus on creating a framework for studying the natural history of HPV infection in the oral cavity with a longterm goal of extending the clinical management model to the oropharynx. Her research interests and expertise include evidence-based risk assessment, knowledge translation and community health initiatives.