Dr. Raphaële Charest-Morin is currently appointed as an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia. She completed her medical degree and post-graduate training in orthopaedic surgery at Laval University in Québec City. After completing her spine surgery fellowship with the Vancouver Spine Surgery Institute in 2014, she returned to practice in Quebec, rapidly focusing on complex spinal surgeries and spinal oncology. Following several years of practice in her home province, she returned to the Vancouver Spine Surgery Institute in 2018 with a reputation for surgical excellence and outstanding patient care.
News and Awards

Investigator Awards 2023 Recipients
Mar 21, 2023Publications
- The Lancet. Oncology -
- Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research -
- Neurosurgery -
- Journal of neurosurgery. Spine -