Dr. Sriram Subramaniam is Gobind Khorana Chair in Cancer Drug design at the University of British Columbia and also the founder and CEO of Gandeeva Therapeutics. Prior to his arrival in Vancouver, he was senior investigator at the National Institutes of Health where he also founded and directed the US National Cryo-EM Facility. He received his PhD in physical chemistry from Stanford University and completed postdoctoral training in the Departments of Chemistry and Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Subramaniam is recognized internationally for his leadership in driving the cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) resolution revolution. His work showed for the first time that the structures of proteins, bound drugs as well as variety of dynamic protein complexes could be visualized using cryo-EM methods at near-atomic resolution. Dr. Subramaniam and his group have continued to remain at the forefront of the cryo-EM field with innovations in technology for imaging and applications to important biomedical problems.
News and Awards

Zooming in on COVID-19 Alpha variant
Jul 7, 2021Publications
- Nature methods -
- Science (New York, N.Y.) -
- Nature communications -
- Cell reports -
- eLife -
- The Journal of biological chemistry -
- Current opinion in structural biology -
- PLoS biology -
- Nature structural & molecular biology -
- Science (New York, N.Y.) -