A holiday message from VCHRI executive director Dr. Robert McMaster.
As 2016 draws to a close, I’m once again amazed (but not at all surprised) by the volume and level of high quality research that has come out of the VCH Research Institute in just one year and how much we’ve expanded our understanding of human health in terms of treatments, therapies, diseases, patient care and health care system. Although our work often focuses on the molecular building blocks of human life, our research is changing the health landscape on a global scale.
We remain confident that our work as scientists and researchers is invaluable, far-reaching and impactful. And, we know there exists a need to ensure our work reaches not only our colleagues in science, research, and health communities, but also the public. Our focus then should be not only to publish our findings and share news about our accomplishments via traditional channels, but also to ensure that they’re shared with and understood by all.
Today, more than ever, the world needs scientific voices to get louder rather than softer. We need to champion science, debunk that which is not science, build trust with the public, and work hard to help science literacy thrive. Achieving these goals means that we need to engage in the discussions that are happening, wherever they may be, including on social media.
As researchers and scientists, we play a tremendous role as educators. We have a huge stake in ensuring that science literacy and a genuine appreciation for research doesn’t get lost in cynicism and ignorance. Our work is changing the world and improving lives. Let's move forward understanding that we need to pull up a seat at the tables where conversations are happening, even if it means trying new modes of communication that may be a new, uncharted territory for us.
Knowledge translation is the crux of what we do at VCHRI. Let’s make 2017 a year of continued engagement with our patients – putting them at the heart of our work and also making the effort to connect with them so that people better understand what we do and our desire to make a difference.
To all of our VCHRI community members, scientists, clinicians, and staff: Thank you for your dedication to your work and our common goals. I hope the holiday season gives you many opportunities to rest and reconnect with family and friends. The time you spend away from your loved ones due to work does not go unnoticed. I am one person among many who couldn’t be more grateful for all you do. All the best.