Dr. Gary Andolfatto has contributed significantly to the practice of emergency medicine. His special interest is in pain control and patient sedation for painful emergency department procedures. He has published several studies top-tier journals and pioneered the use of the sedation medication combination "ketofol" which is now commonly used worldwide. He has continued to accomplish important initiatives for providing expedient and effective pain control including the use of intra-nasal analgesic delivery and protocols designed to provide rapid pain control in the emergency department as well as in the pre-hospital setting. In his role as ED Research Director and subject matter expert, Dr. Andolfatto was a founding member of the International Committee for the Advancement of Procedural Sedation - an international multidisciplinary body dedicated to the advancement of optimal evidence-based sedation practice. His work in procedural sedation and analgesia is frequently quoted in the emergency medicine literature and at emergency medicine conferences.
News and Awards

Investigator Awards 2015 Recipients
Feb 20, 2015